I just got back from my checkup with my OB. Baby’s heart was nice and strong. I was anxious to hear when we could do our anatomy scan to find out what we’re having. He said we could do a gender reveal scan before the anatomy scan! It’s only $50, so why not? It’s scheduled for May 15th! That’s only 4 days away! eeeeek! I can’t wait. Especially since I thought I was going to have to wait 4-5 weeks more.
How far along? 16 weeks 1 day
Estimated due date: October 25, 2012
How are you feeling? Feeling so good now that I feel normal again. Allergies have got me down this week. Hope those don’t stick around for too long.
Gender: We’ll find out Tuesday!
Movement: I felt a few more flutters this week. I really have to be sitting still to notice them, but it’s so cool! I can’t wait until they’re stronger.
The bump: Still just a little bump. It’s not getting much bigger from week to week. I feel like my 14 week bump shot looks bigger than my 16 week one. People who know I’m pregnant are commenting on it. :)
Maternity clothes: Wearing the maternity jeans and loving them. I’m on the hunt for shorts and capris this weekend and possibly a bathing suit.
Sleep: Sleep is good. Just getting up to use the restroom is annoying.
Cravings or aversions? Not really craving anything in particular.
Mood: Super happy! I feel like I’m just beaming with happiness some days. It’s awesome.
Best moment of this week? My checkup today and getting to schedule a gender reveal scan!
What are you looking forward to? Gender reveal scan! And Mother’s Day. I’m hosting brunch at our house for our mothers. Should be a lot of fun.
And here’s a bump photo with my sweet dog Sadie.
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