This is the room that we plan to turn into the nursery. The photo on the left is what it looked like yesterday, but we’ve since gotten rid of the bed. The photo on the right is what it looks like today. It’s out temporary office until we can redo the office.
This is what out office is looking like now. See we discovered that when it rains, it puddles up so high outside that water was seeping into our office. So now Jack is going to fix our drainage issues outside and we’re going replace the carpet in here and paint. We’ve listed the large L shaped desk on Craigslist and we’ve ordered a much smaller desk from Walmart to go in here. So yeah, now the nursery is our temporary office until we can finish this room. THEN we can finally get started on the nursery. The paint and carpet in here were the choosing of the previous owners, so I can’t wait to fix it up to our style.
How far along? 15 weeks 3 days
Estimated due date: October 25, 2012
How are you feeling? Morning sickness is over! I feel like my old normal self again. I have way more energy. I haven’t thrown up in over a week and I’m not sensitive to smells anymore. I feel like I can take on the world!
Gender: I’m feeling boy. Hopefully we’ll find out soon!
Movement: I feel little flutters everyday. I’m still not 100% sure they’re the baby though. They feel like muscle spasms or popcorn popping in my tummy. I can’t wait until they become more noticeable.
The bump: I have a nice little bump going on. People who know me notice it, but I still feel like I don’t look pregnant yet.
Maternity clothes: I’m now only wearing my maternity jeans. So much more comfortable. I want to get some shorts and capris for the summer.
Sleep: Sleep is good. Just getting up to use the restroom is annoying.
Cravings or aversions? No cravings or aversions. I still haven’t got up the guts to try chicken again.
Mood: Happy! I get more and more excited with each passing week.
Best moment of this week? A nice Sunday spent with my husband. We went out to lunch and then watched The Avengers.
What are you looking forward to? My doctors appointment on Friday. I’m hoping we get to schedule our anatomy scan and hopefully get to find out what we’re having!
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