How far along? 6 weeks
Estimated due date: October 25, 2012
How are you feeling? Lots more symptoms this week. My breasts hurt so bad. Just barely bumping them, hurts. Morning sickness started this past week as well. Yesterday was the first day I noticed it. I woke up and just felt nauseous and I gagged while brushing my teeth. Jack ate pot stickers for breakfast and the smell made me gag. Oh and I’m super tired. I can easily go to bed at 8:00 no problem.
Aversions or cravings? No cravings, but I have some aversions. Pot stickers and coffee don’t sound appealing.
Are you showing? Definitely not. Does a bloated belly count?
What are you researching? Nothing actually. Just enjoying being pregnant.
Bought anything? No new purchases this week.
Mood: Happy and nervous. I just want to get past the first trimester and know our baby is strong and healthy.
Best moment of this week? Watching my 9 month old niece over the weekend. She is just so adorable. I just loved watching her smile and play and listening to her baby sounds. So cute!
What are you looking forward to? Still looking forward to my ultrasound on March 7th. I cannot wait to see our little nugget!
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